Rowan and Andy are hunting for agates near the shore of Lake Superior.

Rowan had a little too much fun in the sand. She got back in the car wearing only a diaper.

Janea pushing Rowan on a swing in Houghton, MI.

Rowan was quite hesitant about the slide. She chickened out.

Vacations can be exhausting, but Elmo's make good pillows.

Andy, Rowan and Grandma W. are enjoying time on the couch at the cabin.

As usual, Maverick spent many hours cuddled on his favorite recliner.

One afternoon, Rowan just zonked out. She took her nap on the couch.

Rowan was very good at helping Grandma and Janea shuck the corn.

Rowan and Andy....
two happy hikers out at the falls.