Rowan turned two this year! Not only did we have a party for her, but we had a shared party with Andy (who turned 31)! We decided to go out to a kid's farm and let Rowan experience many farm animals. She saw and touched horses, cows, goats, mules, miniature ponies, rabbits...and she chased some chickens. Other animals at the farm included pigs, llamas, peacocks and a dairy cow that you could try to milk. Rowan did one tiny pull of the udder and Janea tried a few times to produce milk. I think she got the milk out once out of 4 or 5 tries. The cow was pretty docile and didn't seem to care what was going on. Rowan then got to ride a horse for the first time. She ended up getting the tallest adult horse they had - I don't know why. She was the only kid at the time and they had other little ponies available. Unfortunately, we don't have a photo of her riding the horse...only video. I"ll have to find a way to post that later. After the pony/horse ride, we went on a hay ride with Grandma and Grandpa. The ruts in the road were very deep, so it made for a bumpy ride. Two of the farm dogs decided to go on the ride. One of them half sat on Grandpa for most of the ride. When it was time to leave, we got to pick out some pumpkins. Rowan found a tiny round shaped pumpkin and carried it to the car. When we got home we had some birthday cake. Janea decorated it with "Ooh and Ah" two monkeys on the Disney channel. We all had a lot of fun, and Andy didn't mind sharing his birthday with Rowan this year.