Harvey just loves to play with noses and mouths.

Watch out Dad!

One of Rowan's favorite snacks - Cultured Cottage Cheese.

Spring has sprung and a tooth has erupted! Harvey finally has his first tooth at the tender age of 8 months. The one next to it looks pretty imminent as well. Teething is hard for Harvey and he wakes at night in pain. We have resorted to giving him the triple treatment at night - Orajel, Tylenol, and Hyland's Teething Tablets. Good thing is, we only have had to do this treatment a few times. He is getting really anxious to eat crackers now. He does well with baby puff snacks, melba toast and graham crackers. Harvey is a pretty good eater. He will eat most age appropriate foods. When he drinks from a bottle, he is very "grabby" for it. He seems rather proud when he sits and holds it all by himself. And so the independence begins!
Harvey is crawling all over the place and is now pulling himself up on people and some small furniture. When Rowan is playing on the floor, he will immediately crawl to her and either grab at her toy or climb on top of her. She doesn't appreciate his learned skills.
Rowan has been doing very well. Her speech therapy is going fine. The therapist recently discussed with me the transition we could take when Rowan turns 3. At that age, she would continue speech therapy within the school district. We have a lot of options on how to handle the transition and we aren't exactly sure what we will do at this point.
Right now her clarity is at on average 60%. The therapist's goal is to get her to 70-75%.
Rowan continues to do excellent with her pottying. She might have an accident every 2 or 3 days. When she started using the potty, we did away with the diapers all together. She does not use one at night and has really only had 1 night time accident. She always communicates to me when she has to go. She started wanting to do everything by herself, but is now asking for help half the time. Sometimes she wants help with basic things that she could really do on her own.
Now that our deck is mostly done, Rowan loves to play on it. She has a plastic tricycle that she has recently learned to peddle. It took about 2 days for her to understand the coordination of peddling and turning her handle bars for direction. Now she zooms around on the deck. Its fun to see....until she gets close to one of the unfinished sides of the deck!
I am currently working on some sewing projects for the kids. I have made one summer dress for Rowan and I am almost done with some overalls for Harvey. I'm pretty much down to the button holes/buttons stage. Hope we can get some good mileage out of these "custom" clothes.
I'll try to post photos of my sewing projects soon.
I have recently attended some church meetings about safety policies. This is applicable to my job as the nursery volunteer coordinator. I found out that everyone that helps in the nursery now needs a background check and should also have some extra training. Also, the records and sign-in logs need to be updated. So now I have to spend time creating new forms on the computer. Andy and I recently had our backgrounds checked and we sat through training. So now we can both officially volunteer in the nursery. This Sunday we will work in there together. It might be full since there is a churchwide meeting that day and a lot of folks might come. Hope the nursery isn't too chaotic.
Andy is still working in Hartland for SCS. The company is being consumed by a larger company, a bank. They will be moving to the other side of Hartland in a bigger, nicer office....but details are still being arranged for the final transition. It looks like we will be covered under Blue Cross/Blue Shield instead of United Health Care. As far as I know we will be PPO and not HMO. But nothing has been finalized at this point. The whole transition is glitchy and no fun.
That's about it for now. Thanks for reading all of this!