Rowan will be turning 3 very soon. Her birthday is at the end of October and she will get to share her birthday party with her dad once again. I think it will be a few more years before she gets her own party.
She is still the little boss and wants Harvey do things how she sees fit. Sharing is still minimal, but every once in a while she shares without being prompted.
Rowan is still riding her little pink trike she got from Aunt Julie. She has outgrown the baby bike at Grandma Allord's house.
Rowan can do most things on her own now (opening doors, buckling herself into the carseat, pottying...) but she has developed a habit of using the phrases "I don't know" and "I can't!"
Most of the time she does know and she really can.
Her most recent accomplishment (much to our dismay) was coloring on our computer area with a Sharpie. She got the desk, keyboard, mouse, monitor and her own lips. She was in big trouble and we learned just how much elbow grease one really needs to clean permanent marker off an LCD computer monitor!
Harvey is really enjoying being 1 year old. He is walking everywhere and making naked escapes while I try to diaper him.
A few days ago he really focused on going up and down the sun room steps. He would go back and forth while holding my hand. He really wanted to walk down like everybody else. He can now comfortably get down those two steps without crawling. He is now determined to walk down the main staircase as well. He will not crawl down backwards. He will hold the railing and wall and walk down. Only at the bottom (where the rail stops short) does he take my hand to descend the last two steps.
Harvey is now also allowed to walk on the new deck. He doesn't like to be stuck in the baby walker anymore. He can climb onto the bouncy horse, teeter totter and little play car all by himself. He is slowly learning how to propel himself on the play car - with a big smile on his face.
Harvey still has 4 teeth on top and 2 on the bottom. But he really loves eating almost everything. This boy is a bottomless pit at most meals. If you ever try to sit down with a snack in the living room, you can expect him to zoom to your knee and start bouncing up and down - like he's saying, "please, give me a bite." One afternoon, I had all three (Rowan, Harvey and Maverick) at my knees. Maverick had the sad eyes. Rowan said, "me too. me too. me too." and Harvey was bobbing up and down. I don't even remember what it was I was eating, but it must have been quite yummy.
Not much else going on, but we will have the kids professional photos taken this weekend. I will post a link to share photos as soon as I can. I hope to have the actual prints in time for Rowan's birthday party.