This past January 25th, I turned 32 years old. It's strange. I don't feel a day over 22. For my birthday, we all went to my parent's house in Janesville. Andy and my mom made us a yummy supper. What was on the menu? I requested and received: beef stir-fry with vegetables and fried rice, cheese curds, watermelon and fried crabmeat rangoons. My mom made a yummy Boston Cream Pie for dessert.

Give him a shave and this would make a great picture. It's rare that I can get him to smile for the camera.

The kids all sat patiently at the table, waiting for their food.

Someone was thirsty too.

Mixed Vegetables

Squeaky Cheese Curds

Crabmeat Rangoons and Sake

Boston Cream Pie

Ursula is starting to show a lot of interest in sippy cups.

Rowan is telling us something she deems important. You know it's important to her when she holds up one finger when she's talking to you.

Ursula is tuckered out.
(This was a different trip to the Allord's house.)

Elefun with Grandpa.

As per usual, Harvey plays with the cars and trucks.

Babies bring great joy.