On Saturday, Andy took Harvey to Delavan to see a model train show. It was just a boys trip. The girls and I stayed home, relaxed and made some fun snacks.
Andy said that Harvey very much enjoyed his time with the trains.
He said that he never smiled and looked thrilled, but rather he looked very focused and interested in the trains.
At this table, he seemed very interested in operating the "Polar Express" train. At first he threw the switch back and forth, stop and go. But soon he figured out how to slowly push the throttle and make the train move precisely.
This control box also had buttons that made the train blow it's whistle or ring its bell.
He stayed at the train show for an hour and a half. The building had two floors of models and he kept going from floor to floor. He really did not want to leave. The only way that Andy got him to leave was telling him it was time for lunch.
When lunch was over, he wanted to go right back to see the trains.
Well, that didn't happen. They had to make the hour + trip back home.
He looked so pooped out when they came in the back door.
I'm glad he was able to spend some time with his Dad. He really loves trains and maybe someday he can get his own model train set. We'll see. I hear they can sometimes be expensive.