This year we spent Thanksgiving at Janea's parents place in Janesville. Janea's siblings and their families were there as well as her Aunt Carolyn, Uncle Darrell and cousin Sean Hart.
It was a full house.

The kids enjoying a game of Uno.

Ursula is eating dirt cake. We think she enjoyed it.
Sorry the photos are out of order again. (Sigh)

Grandma reading a story to Ursula before bed.

She loves to tinker away at the piano.

Ah, another dirt cake photo. Messy.

Of course, all the men have to watch the big game....even Harvey.

Elijah, Lauren, David, Rowan and Maylie having a bit of fun.

Grandparents and grandchildren.

Ursula watches on as family plays football outside.

This Thanksgiving, we made a collective Nativity project.
As the Christmas story was read, each family member got to put on their own designated character by the stable. They had created their characters ahead of time and got to use their imaginations. It turned out to be a pretty cute piece of art.
Since we were not to get everyone together again until after Christmas, I think we all were thankful for the time spent together for Thanksgiving.
Everyone had a good time, the food was great and the hospitality was, as always, outstanding.