Hi there! October is quickly coming to an end and I thought I'd post some pictures. We had a lot going on.
Rowan and Janea took a day to visit the Allords in Stevens Point. There were some snow flurries, but the drive was pleasant and safe. Rowan had a great time playing with Maylie. We tried to get them to take a nap, but the two of them decided they would rather "sing" a duet instead. I guess sleep was not on their agenda. Rowan also got to see her cousin Elijah after he came home from school, and her Uncle Doug. He came home from work for lunch. We had a blast!
On October 21st, Janea threw a surprise party for Andy and Rowan. Andy turned 30 and Rowan turned 1. It was a complete surprise to Andy, so I guess Janea was successful in planning. Andy was taken to Milwaukee to play paintball with 4 of his friends. 2 of the friends drove down from Green Bay. I hear that they had a great time even though some looked battered and bruised. When they returned, they were greeted by Jack and Donna, Dennis and Darlene, Aunt JoAnn and Uncle Don, and Lisa & Morgan Wiercinski. Janea had the three main rooms decorated with balloons and crepe paper streamers (orange and green). We had a lot of pizza, snacks and soda. Andy and Rowan opened presents and got a lot of very nice gifts. Rowan will have a lot of clothing for a while (which is a good thing). We ended the night with some carrot cake provided by Dennis and Darlene. Rowan thought it was yummy!
On Sunday, October 29, Watertown held trick or treating. Rowan was dressed as a performing monkey this year. Janea made the costume and was quite happy with how it turned out. She was afraid that her sewing skills would not be up to par for this project. Rowan, Janea, Andy and Maverick walked around 2 blocks in our neighborhood. We met some of our nicest neighbors and got a lot of compliments on Rowan's monkey suit. We also got a nice little stash of candy that Rowan will happily share with her Mom and Dad. She was able to eat one little pouch of Goldfish crackers. Rowan walked about 1/3 of the route and rode in her new wagon for the rest. Once again, she behaved like a little angel. Some people held out a candle bowl and tried to persuade her to take a piece on her own. She just stared at them in an unsure way. She would not take her own piece. How polite of her :)
After we returned home, we watched the second half of the Packers/Cardinals game. Needless to say, we were very happy to see that they won. Hopefully, the can keep it up!
We hope you had a good October and we look forward to November. There will be much to post next month!
1 comment:
the monkey costume is AMAZING!! Great job!!!
the new look is great too! See you later in NOV.
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