Rowan is becoming quite the independent little girl. Every day she proclaims, "I do own" or "I do by myself!" a dozen or so times.
She has a strong desire to take care of Harvey at times and wants to feed him, dress him, undress him, and change his diaper. But most often you can find her yanking toys out of his hands and scolding him, "No Owbie! That's mine!" even if it's really not her toy.
I took this picture of her in her boots because it reminded me of a photo of myself when I was younger - standing in jammies and winter boots.
Rowan still loves to play in the water and really loves to play in the sink. She tries to help wash dishes every now and then.
Harvey is now 7 months old. Time is passing quickly. It seems that wherever I go, many women describe him as a flirt. A lady at Wal-Mart called him a "lady killer" yesterday. It doesn't seem to matter what age the female is, Harvey charms them all.
Harvey is now doing very well at sitting on his own. He tips over about 30% of the time. He is rolling over quite a bit and is starting to do the "army" crawl. He is quite capable of moving about the room now and reaching Rowan's things (much to her dismay).
Harvey is now eating oatmeal, peas, pear sauce, sweet potato, carrots, squash, blueberries and bananas. His only disliking is for broccoli and green beans at present. He gums up teething biscuits with glee and boy does that ever make a mess in the high chair.
Harvey's growth is amazing us still. He is about 21 pounds and has a long torso. Today I broke open the 24 mo size onesies for him. Maybe the 18 mo size shrunk in the wash, but it's not so easy to snap over his diaper - whether its a disposable or a cloth diaper. So here's my baby boy - 7 mos old...wearing a 18-24 mo size onesie and 6 mo size pants.
I'm also pretty sure his shoe size is a 3/4.
Oh and he outgrew his bucket carseat. So now I have to carry him to and from the car, or transfer him to a stroller.
Harvey is also babbling a lot. He can say da da da and lba lba lba. And he can blow raspberries.
We look forward to watching the kids grow and learn. Their relationship with each other will be interesting to watch too!
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