Our city held it's annual trick or treating day this Sunday, October 26th.
Although it was raining or snowing, temps were in the mid-40's with very strong winds.
Rowan really wanted to be a butterfly and Harvey got to wear the monkey costume I made for Rowan 2 years ago.
Although Harvey is walking quite well, he didn't want to get out of the wagon much. He ended up getting fussy and having to go home with mom just after 3 blocks. Rowan stayed on with Andy, but apparently she didn't want to stay too much longer either.
I had just put Harvey into his crib and I heard them enter the house. I don't think she liked the cold and the wind. Consequentially, her candy loot was much smaller this year.
As she napped, we sorted through her candy and took out the ones we though were not appropriate to eat....which really only amounted to about 3 things.
It was a good year.....no pennies, no popcorn balls, no pamphlets on morals, no orange and black peanut butter chewies, and only one Laffy Taffy (1 of the 3 things we pulled out). After her nap, Rowan will get to sort through her candy and get to eat something.
I hope that next time we go trick or treating, we will have a nicer day and kids that will want to stay out a little longer. But I can't really complain. We didn't have any injuries or meltdowns.