Tuesday, October 07, 2008

The Evidence Against Soy

So far, I've usually used the blog for posting updates and photos on my family.
Now I'm thinking of expanding the content of the blog to include my thoughts, links to articles and other issues I find of interest.
The intent is to just provide information - not to start a conversation or debate.
My hope is that I might be able to provide useful information to help improve the lives we lead.

So with that said....
I'm providing a link to an article that discusses the negative attributes to soy products.
I became interested in researching soy when I was considering milk options for my children (especially when I weaned them from breast milk). Since we have a hard time obtaining raw cow milk (for various reasons), I have started using whole, organic goat milk as a first non-human milk since it has great digestibility. As time passes, I intend to transition my son to whole, organic cow milk (hopefully raw). At one point, I did consider other milks such as rice milk, nut milks and soy milk. I believe that none of these have the correct proteins, cholesterol and fats for a developing child.
Anyhow, if anyone is interested in investigating and comparing milks, I'd be happy to send you links. I am opting to not post them all here, since I want to keep this post from becoming too complex.

Here's the link: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/10/07/the-evidence-against-soy.aspx?source=nl

If the direct link doesn't work, try going to www.mercola.com and typing in "soy" in the search box.


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