I should have known better than to plop my kids in front of my parents moose themed Christmas tree....in a room that all kinds of breakable holiday decorations sitting out on tables.
Rowan was extremely well behaved and did a great job listening to my instructions. Harvey was not so content to listen to mom. This little boy is constantly "on the go." He sat for 1 photo by the tree. All of the rest of the tree shots, he was wiggling, pulling on his ear, or sliding out of Rowan's lap. I almost got a nice shot of Rowan kissing his head, but she pulled back to fast for my camera to catch it. We then tried all kinds of other poses. We put Rowan and Harvey on the steps....they climbed up and down and either did not look at me or they moved too fast.
I discovered that my son really puts on his "earmuffs" when he knows you want his attention. You can clap, stomp, or even scream and he will not look at you...especially when he's focused on a toy. I know he can hear. I've whispered things across the kitchen and he's heard it.
I was so frustrated when we were done shooting. I only needed one good photo and I feared that I had 30 terrible photos.
The next day, when we were back at home, I came up with a new approach. I'd try to take a photo in the morning when they are usually on their best behavior. And I would also turn on a cartoon. That usually seems to keep their attention for a few minutes. I could hopefully keep them still during that time. I was half right. Harvey only wanted to sit where he wanted to sit, not where I propped him. I ended up telling Rowan to just go to Harvey since he was not going to listen to me. She did great and I ended up getting this shot....
I did actually get a decent shot in front of the Christmas tree (after some tweaking on the computer). You'll get to see that shot in our Christmas cards this year.
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