Today, I had to work a funeral in the morning. This got me home a little late for trick or treating. Our city has festivities from 1 to 4 pm with a parade at 4 pm. I got home just after 1 and needed to eat some lunch.
The kids were practically bouncing off the walls with candy fever. I planned to take all three out, but since Ursula was sleeping, I let her stay home and cuddle with Daddy.
This year we were supposed to have a bear, a dinosaur and a flower. I say "supposed" because our flower stayed at home with Daddy and Rowan had a bear costume strike 24 hours prior to Halloween. Since I was making the bear costume, I was disappointed that she no longer wanted to wear it. I was ready to put up a fight and force her to wear it and threaten to withhold candy for non-compliance. However, I had only cut out the pieces of the costume. It was either a long night of stressful sewing or a short trip to Walmart - with the hopes that a Princess costume was still available. I chose not to fight this battle. Luckily, Walmart had a Princess Aurora costume and Rowan fell in love with it. After I put her costume on her, I told her that she would wear whatever I picked for her the following year. We'll see how well that works out!
So after I scarfed down some leftover pizza (not so great when it's 3 days old), I got the kids dressed and took them out for candy. Harvey wanted me to carry him a little bit, but once I explained to him that my arm was getting sore, he walked.
I was so proud of both of my kids, that they walked for so much of our journey. We covered quite a bit of ground in our neighborhood. Rowan did finally start saying "trick or treat" and "thank you" but she was pretty quiet. Harvey was a little louder and started saying "thank you" without being prompted. They were both excited about the amount of candy when we got home.
We let Dad investigate the candy and join the loot into one bucket. We only had 3 pieces of gum and 2 hard candies that we pulled from the lot. We are still unsure about the little box of raisins. I'd love to promote healthy snacks, but this did not have a plastic wrapper around it - leaving it vulnerable to who knows what.
After we got home, Rowan wanted to hang out with Andy while he cleaned leaves from the yard. Harvey fell asleep on the living room floor.
Ursula was happy to see me to get her meal but was disappointed that she didn't dress up.
I ended up taking a photo of her in her costume the next morning. It barely fit. :)
Hope everyone else had a safe and Happy Halloween!
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