Yesterday, we decided to do something different...mix things up a bit. It was a very nice day (78 degrees, slightly humid, no wind) so we decided to go to a petting zoo and our local park. I had heard about a free petting zoo that was nearby from one of my friends.
The kids seemed pretty excited, but Andy and I didn't get our hopes too high. After all, this was only a free petting zoo located behind a BP gas station.
This chicken was making herself comfortable in a little sink hole in the ground. I didn't see any eggs, but she might still have been nesting there.
There were 3 small donkeys that were extremely nice. I think that they really wanted us to feed them the ground corn from the vending machine. We didn't have any quarters, so we couldn't help them. Sorry donkeys.
There were 4 little play houses there in a kids play area. They were cute on the outside, but very bare on the inside. The sand box had not been attended in a long time and was more like a "land" box instead.
The pen next to this green house had some rabbits, most of which were snoozing. Overall, it was a so-so little petting zoo. We thought that the water provided for the animals should have been a little cleaner and the pens could have been cleaner as well. But this zoo was free and only relies on donations.
After the petting zoo, we went to our local park. This is the biggest park in our city. There is a lot of water, an island, ducks, geese, a band shell, many shelters, and a huge playground.
The first thing we did was unload all of our bits of bread on the ducks.
When my kids refuse to eat their bread crusts, I just save them in a bag in the freezer and then we feed it to the ducks at the park.
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