Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Not my life....

I need to post an update as to what has been happening around our house.
Yesterday, the kids both got into some big trouble. I mistakenly left a bottle of Lansinoh lanolin cream out on the side table while I was in the computer room reading an email. Next thing I see is Rowan. She comes to me with a shiny face and hands. I knew that this was the lanolin because the kids have done this before. You would think that I would have learned my lesson the first time and keep the lanolin up and out of their reach. For the most part, I have been doing very good keeping it away. This slip up was somewhat rare. The wasted cream spread onto their faces and hands was really the minor issue.
When I walked into the living room, I found much more lanolin smeared all over the tv and the tv center. I was now very upset. I attempted to put both kids into "time-out" by setting them on opposite ends of the couch. This worked for about 1 minute and then Harvey kept playing around and hopping off the couch. I supposed that is to be expected from a 22 month kid.
So I wiped and wiped and wiped and wiped.....and the tv finally seemed okay. But I was still mad. So I placed the kids on "restriction". This meant there was to be no tv and no computer for the rest of the day. This really had more of an effect on Rowan than Harvey. But I'm quite sure she instigated the cream smearing to begin with.

Fast forward to today. I woke up and went to the bathroom. While I'm in there, Rowan comes to me and says, "Mom, come see our birthday party." When I finish, I follow her to her room (she and Harvey are currently sharing a bedroom). I open the door and what do I see?
Rowan had pulled all the tape out of a cassette. It was a Winnie the Pooh story cassette that accompanies a book. Now it was shiny black tape all over the floor. I couldn't blame Harvey as he was standing in his crib and Rowan fessed up to it. So I grab a pen from my bedroom and spend about 5 minutes trying to wind the tape back into the cassette. I nearly have it finished when I see the tape has been broken. Ugh! All that winding just to find that the tape was broken. So I had Rowan throw it away in the garbage can. I also made her aware that she had broken the tape and essentially broken the story. She apologized. I said, "thank you for apologizing." To which she replied, "your welcome."

And just now, Rowan was outside playing. I was unaware of this as she did not ask permission to go out. I made her come back in. I told her she had to wait 10 minutes before she could go out since she failed to gain authorization the first time. She cried and screamed. I told her that this was how you you learn to ask permission. More crying. Then I went on to say how life was all about learning and got an interesting response. Here's how it went:

Mom: "Everything is about learning. All your life is learning."

Rowan: "Not my life. I don't have one because I'm sad."

I got a chuckle out of that.
And it's only 9:50 am. Let's see what the rest of the day will bring!

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