Today, we decided to drive out to the Milwaukee County Zoo. We were surprised by all the cars that were inching their way into the zoo parking lot. Thought that maybe we would have to fight to see attractions, but there was actually a decent amount of space within the zoo and the kids got to see a lot of active animals. The small disappointments were the big cats exhibit (closed for remodel I think) and the silver back ape was sleeping with his back to us.
Hope you enjoy seeing some of the animals we saw!
These monkeys were swinging all over the place.
I don't recall their exact species name, so I'll just refer to them all as monkeys.
Can you spot the prairie dog in the above photo?
This little guy kept going in and out of the holes.
It reminded me of the game "Whack-a-Mole".
The polar bear looked hot and kept pacing around the water.
But at least he was active.
The other brown bears just slept in their corners.
Kids really behaved well in the stroller. Rowan got out a few times to see things. Harvey pretty much stayed in the stroller the whole did Ursula.
The just started talking about the elephants and feeding them when we were there.
The elephant on the right is the dominant female and Ruth, on the left, was the submissive female. I watched as Ruth entered the feeding space walking backwards through the door. She does that as a sign of submission to the other female. I didn't know elephants did that. Rather neat to watch it happen.
Dall sheep. There were only two there. One was a ram with big horns (not pictured). They were kind of boring....just munching on their tree.
We saw about 3 giraffes. We didn't pay the extra money to stand on the balcony to feed them. But that would have been pretty cool.....maybe some day.
Rowan and Harvey got to stretch their legs at the "Family Farm" area. They did really well with the other kids. At one point, Rowan "lost" her dad (who was 10 feet away putting Harvey in the stroller). He was within sight, she just didn't notice him. This was the first time that she had ever "lost her parent" and she kind of screamed and looked so worried. She was instantly back to her old self when I pointed out to her where dad was.
Rowan got to feed a goat. Harvey did great being perched up high. If we would have put him on the ground I bet he would have been scared.
As was expected, Rowan and Harvey fell asleep quickly in the van afterwards.
Andy wanted to get them each a stuffed animal to commemorate the occasion.
Rowan picked out a dolphin (even though we did not see a single dolphin at the zoo) and Harvey picked out a Capuchin Monkey.
Ursula did not sleep on the way home. We could hear her making cute little cooing and raspberry sounds in the back. I couldn't see her, but I could reach around her carseat and snap this pick.
It's so cute how happy she is. I wonder what she was thinking about.

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