Our "little bear" Ursula is speeding through her 3rd month
and she's doing very well.
She weighs in at 14lbs 10 oz (85th percentile)
measures 23.5 inches (almost 60th percentile)
and her head is 41.5 cm (80th percentile)
She has learned to coo, grasp objects, bring her hands together, giggle softly, stand (supported) and if you follow the pics, you'll see her latest accomplishment.

Oh hi Mom!
(sorry for the potty in the shot)

I'm trying so hard to roll over....

and now I can do it!
In fact, I roll over frequently now.

Sometimes I really enjoy tummy time with my toys.
But sometimes....

I get upset because I feel stuck and helpless.
Quick! Come save me!

After being saved, she enjoyed a little time in the Bumbo.
She was tired of reclining and being horizontal on the floor.

This little girl wants so badly to do the same things her brother and sister do.
I am excited to see how fast she accomplishes other milestones!
Hugs and kisses to our little girl!
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