Here is our "cat" that got to stay a few days at Grandma & Grandpa Allord's house. Rowan helped Grandma with a few chores and got to watch a few movies.

She put some ornaments on an ornament tree.

She helped Grandpa play Shrek dentist many times.

Rowan felt strongly that she did not need pants in order to help place ornaments on the Christmas tree. I heard she did a good job with them and let Grandpa hang the fragile ornaments.

Rowan and Grandma made some crafts too. Here she is making a snowman with glitter. She gave him a button for nose.

Here is Rowan's angel that she made - glitter and all. I know she had a really good time at the Allord's house. Many thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for their hospitality and generosity!
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