This Christmas, all of our plans fell by the wayside. All of our kids got sick. It started with Ursula. She had fevers that came and went. Then it moved on to Harvey. And finally, Rowan caught the same bug. Whatever it was started the week before Christmas and is finally dwindling down on the last day of this year.
I think Harvey has dealt with the symptoms the worst. Maybe it's because he's 2 years old. He has really been the most crankiest pill for about a week. I think I've heard the word "mommy" about 70,000 times since he got sick (and the majority of those have been in a whiny tone).
We had planned to drive to my sister's house and have dinner with my family on Christmas day. However, Harvey was having the worst of his fever on Christmas Eve
and the following day.
Rowan was sad that she didn't get to wear her Christmas dress to church and we were all sad that we
didn't get to see our family.
The more that I thought about it, I realized that Christmas was probably the best time to have all the kids get sick (even though no time is a great time). Since Andy had the holiday off, he was able to help me with the demands of all 3 kids. This was great until he started feeling sick too.
Luckily, he didn't get all the symptoms the kids had. He mostly had congested sinuses, no fever. But we all know how men handle any kind of illness. :)
He really did help a lot. But to be on the proactive side, I started taking Airborn to help me stay as healthy as I could. I've been doing most of the dirty work around here.
Although they aren't pictured, Rowan really liked the Barbies she received.
Harvey got a nice Mack truck (from the Cars movie).
It quickly became a free for all as the kids played with all the toys, regardless of who they received them.
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