Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Back at the Cabin

We went back to the cabin this past weekend. The temps were pretty chilly. We brought along some light coats and that helped a bit, but we should have had some gloves as well.
Rowan went on a couple 4-wheeler rides with Andy. She was so much more enthusiastic about riding this time. I remember a year ago she really dreaded the sound of the 4-wheeler. It makes me happy to see that she has lost that fear. Harvey seems to be less afraid of noises right now and he also got one turn on the 4-wheeler.

Yummy sucker!

I asked Rowan to show me what kind of faces she made for different emotions. Happy and angry almost looked the same. But when I asked her to show me "sad" it was very easy to see the big bottom lip come out in a pout. It was a fun exercise in body language.
Andy enjoyed warming up in the small patch of sunlight.

Rowan is such a nice sister. Here she is sharing her sucker with Harvey. It was his first sucker experience and all he knew was to bite down on it. But the sharing went very well for quite some time.

Harvey enjoyed walking the drive way with Grandma, Rowan and Mom. It was hard for him to keep up since every leaf and twig would slow him down or tamper with his balance. Here he is wearing Grandma's gloves. He looks like a cartoon with them on.

Maverick ran up and down the driveway. Luckily, he never knocked down either of the kids. It was a nice opportunity for him to run super fast.

Andy and I love this pic of Maverick. The camera seemed to focus on his face pretty good while letting the background become a blur with his speed.

Rowan enjoyed reading books while indoors.

Grandpa shared some special time with Rowan. He had her help him plant some garlic in a pot out on the back deck. I hear she did a good job and even got to help water when all was done.

We also got to go out on the boat a couple times. Our time on the water was limited since it was chilly. Andy, Dennis and Janea went out fishing one afternoon while the kids napped. A few fish were caught but only one made it home for eating. I was very proud of the large mouth bass that I caught, but it was too small to keep (although I thought it was biggest fish I ever caught on that lake). We took the kids on a trip around the lake too. Harvey sat very still for the first 2/3 of the trip, but soon got antsy.

Thanks to the kids, we didn't have the best sleep in the loft. Other than that, our trip was fun and we had some great food prepared by Grandma and Grandpa. We can't wait to try out the toaster oven some more next time we are up.

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