Sunday, November 23, 2008

Fall Clean-up and Fun

Today we tried to do another leaf removal. This will make the third day (not in a row). Andy created quite a large pile and played with Rowan. She had a good time, but did not like it when he buried himself completely. She cried because she couldn't see Daddy.

Enjoying the moment.

We got a lot more weeds and debris picked up too. Finally, our deck is cleaned off. No more toys, potted plants....even the fabric on the gazebo was taken off and stored. While taking down the canvas, Andy discovered about 100 hornets in the folds of the fabric. Some were really big but they were all very slow. I think they all got stomped. I'm glad I didn't have the job of taking down the canvas!

Harvey still loves to sit with Daddy and watch some shows on TV.

This happened to be a night where we all watched a "Rock Band" competition. Rowan danced along to the pretend bands.

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