Tuesday, February 10, 2009


During the past two years, my husband and I have become aware of negative attributes of artificial sweeteners. We used to be the kind of people that drank soda quite often. We used to think that "diet" sodas were healthier than regular sodas. In truth, no soda is healthy at all, but this was our thinking at the time. When we came across information on aspartame, Nutrisweet and other sweeteners (such as Splenda) we felt we had more than enough data to support avoiding all of these sweeteners whenever possible. Since we still liked to drink soda on occasion, we decided to switch to regular soda - you know, the kind with high fructose corn syrup. Now the problems with hfcs are a whole other story to be told....I'll save that for another blog.
On rare occasion, we were able to get soda from Whole Foods. These sodas were sweetened with cane sugars and other natural sugars....not the processed hfcs. Their were still a few problems with this. One - we didn't get to Whole Foods type store very often, and two - these sodas are still the lesser of two evils. Sodas still have carbonation and phosphoric acid in them.
One day, Andy decided to see if he could quit soda all together for a year straight. He was very good about it, and did not have a single sip of soda for at least 365 days. What was his reward for being so diligent? A cold bottle of Mountain Dew!
These days, we still drink soda every now and then. But you won't find us drinking diet sodas. We've taken a step backward from our year without soda...but I think we will get back to that point. It will just take a little more effort and determination....and more green tea!

Here is some information on Splenda that I recently received...


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