Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

This summer, we spent our July 4th at Grandma and Grandpa's cabin up North.
We stayed 5 days and had a great time.
On our second day, Grandma asked Rowan and Harvey to help make some cookies. Rowan jumped right in - she loves baking.

Harvey wanted to test the light switches. On one occasion, he tested the basement light switch (upstairs) while Andy was in the basement.
Andy did not approve of this.

Harvey then decided to help himself to some pre-packaged cookies.

Mom said "no" and put the package on top of the fridge.

"But Mom! Now they're way up there and I can't reach them!"

(more screaming)

The crying lasted longer than I would have liked.

Now that his fit is over, he decides to help Grandma and Rowan with baking the cookies.

While this is going on, Maverick has been eye-ing the local chipmunk. That little vermin taunted our dog the entire stay.

The kids helped Grandma in their own special way.

Wait Rowan! Don't lick your finger yet!

Rowan followed the rules and pushed the M&Ms into the dough.
Harvey picked all the M&Ms off and ate them.

Ursula was very well behaved up at the cabin and slept very well at nights.
It helped that we brought a few of her favorite things
(swing and Leap Frog seat).

Rowan played Hi Ho Cherry-O with Grandma for the first time.
She really enjoyed the game and followed the rules.

Rowan wins!

Harvey was not old enough to understand board games, so he occupied himself by cleaning out his toes.

Some father/daughter time. Andy took Rowan out for a tour of the lake.

I know she looks mad in the photo, but she really wasn't.

Harvey didn't feel up to getting into the boat. He wore the life vest for a few minutes though and watched Rowan and Andy motor off.

The kids enjoyed Grandma reading to them before bed time.

This little boy got to stay up way past his bed time most nights.

Rowan and Andy took a quick 4-wheeler trip down the driveway and back.

Harvey preferred to stay up in Grandma's arms. If this vacation had a theme, it would be "Harvey is afraid of most everything."
He did not want to go in the boat. He didn't want to walk down to the water (although once he was there he was fine). He didn't like going outside after he heard some fire crackers making loud pops.
At times, he was afraid of Grandpa too.
Harvey was very clingy and cried a lot.

They're back now.
Harvey has just enough courage to look at the vehicle
and touch a few of it's buttons.

Rowan has lost her fear of the 4-wheeler. Yay!

Towards the end of our stay, we got a couple family shots in.
Don't you just love trying to get 3 little kids to all smile and sit still for a photo!

Happy 4th of July!

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